Thursday 1 March 2012

Emily : V-day is LOVEEEEEEE-day!

It's V - DAY~!!! 
Everybody shouts LOVE-GIVING DAYYYYYYYYY ! <3

And this time I'm spending it with someone special.. after so many years, he is still the only one I celebrate with.. AWWWW.. :P
 hahaha I know okay guys please don't die of diabetes. 

Anyway we decided to have a really simple celebration! so here we go..... to Alexis again! I'm craving for Pavlova so so much I can't stop thinking about it.... I mean seriously just by mentioning it here now makes me think about berrylicious fluffy creamy Pavlova again >____<

Showing his excitement in a super kua jiong facial expression

I told you he was really excited !!

My super chan face. look at the eyebags gosh @___@

No he didn't give the rose to me....

He forced me to take photo with it as if he gave it to me... it was actually a deco in Alexis. HMPHH. I have no roses on Valentines :(

Forgot the name of the dish.. it's a duck btw! I really liked it !


After a super full and satisfying meal, it's time for second round desserts!
I know... I just said FULL AND SATISFYING meal..
But girls ! We always have a second stomach for desserts don't we? :P


His facial expression will never change posing for a solo photo -____-

Finally something normal... haha !


Happy Happyyyyyyyyyy

Just to convince you that I was really happy lol

Strawberry MOO :)

It's V-day we're talking about.. so obviously it's a love-giving day, and I've gotta get smtg for him but we've been together for so long and I always have a hard time thinking something special to get for him.. I mean every year we have v-days, birthdays, anniversary days, Xmas etc.. so many celebrations I'm cracking my head already! and guess what I found?

A personalized TOUCH AND GO CARD! Now he can see me everyday while driving ! woohoooo

Happy Face :D

My sis's touch and go card with the 60s BF. haha! My mom said her photo looked like some model from mag and mine is like commercial for home appliances or smtg.. lol!

p/s: I loved the card so much I actually gave it to him, and took it back and claimed that I could keep it and use it when we're together. which means I gave him nothing after all.. HAHAHAHA. 

BUTTTTTTTTT, to prove that I am still a very good girlfriend I still got him something from Bangkok !


Gosh why dont they have tees like that for the ladies too? :( I loved it !

ANYWAAAAYYYY... I bet you guys are wondering how bout my V-day gift?! EXACTLY WHERE'S MINE.........??

He said that he learned a song... and he's planning to play the guitar and sing to me.
I was like "AWWWW..." that must be the sweetest thing he could ever have done to me! I mean I always rant to him about how amazing guys sing to their girlfriends and how special they made them feel.. I mean girls always like to be treated special right?
I was sooooooooo looking forward to it and I'm 99% sure I'll drown in love INSTANTLY no matter how bad he sings...... haha! A sucker for romantic songs I am >.<
BUT.. He forgot to bring the guitar ( I think ) I ended my V-day without a gift :( huhu. I'm still waiting for it though so don't you worry readers. I'll definitely take down a video of him singing and post it up here no matter what it takes.. :P

So yeah.. how bout you ladies? how did you spend your V-day? :)