Tuesday 17 January 2012

It's Miss Wei Wei's wedding day~!! 

This post was delayed almost 2 months long as her wedding day was in November >.<
Just in case you don't know who's she.. The childhood you must have recognized her!!!

She's the little girl who sang our fav childhood song.. 红蜻蜓!


It's strange seeing your childhood idol getting married.

Her wedding day theme = BACK TO SCHOOL!!!

TADAA~~~ So pretty. She's a HUGE FAN of Apple green!

Jing Pei, Me, Xiao Kang. Note my hello kitty bag!!!

pretty Jing Pei <3


Bride and Bridegroom

Look at their wedding ! there's a school badge too super cute!

xiao kang pouts. so wat tat. YERRRRRRR. hahaha

Xiao weiwei~~ me, jing pei and xiao kang.

She changed her costume to match with us hahaha super cute

Fabian and me !

Beh tahan.. 

omg -_____-"

fa hiao!!

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