Monday 27 February 2012

Emily : Kingdom Works

Kingdom Works 2nd Album "I CAN FLY" was launched last month in December and I just realized I havent posted any photos about it !

Talking about our style that we wanted to potray in the album..
our theme was supposed to be FUTURISTIC.

However, I think instead of being futuristic (year 2050 maybe)l, I think I looked more like I lived in the 1950s. 
Reason? scroll down and you'll see...............

I know right ! I looked like some country girl from the 1950s farming with cows and sheep or smtg.. haha! It was so not me but I kind of liked it though.. At least it's something new. and believe me, it's NOT EASY AT ALL styling this hair. It tooked me a few hours to get to this..

Anyhow.. I still ended up looking like this after styling and reviews by the pros.. haha!

Now I look like some random woman from the 1980s.. >____<

Actually it reminds me of the 1980s stage singers who sings "mei gui mei gui wo ai ni" .... O.O

Josh and me ! Our pro designerrrrrr :) TQ for making me look prettier.. at least in photos? haha! :P

Me and wen wen. hahahahaa. I love this photo so much I looked like the villain. So evil.

pretty wen and jing pei :)

we're all dolled up !!!

I think Jing Pei is the only one who looked futuristic.. :P

but nevertheless we still loved it !

Anyway~! Kingdom works NEW EP is already launched now :)
Do Inbox me or leave a comment if you wanna know more details about it! ^______^

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