Tuesday 25 October 2011

30 days of Appreciation

Yesterday I was in the House of God on a beautiful Sunday noon.
As usual we had our absolutely satisfying prayer meeting session. A divine silent moment with no one else other than God and I.

I wasn't really feeling well since Saturday morning, feeling kind of nausea and dizzy due to lack of rest lately. It's as though as there was this huge hammer knocking right on the back of my skull, it was really tough to pull myself together and concentrate. And while I was really trying hard to focus and worship God, all of a sudden Holy Spirit spoke to me.

With the softest voice, but words as sharp as blade it pierced right through my heart.

John 16:13
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

I know that I haven't been the greatest daughter ever in His eyes, neither a faithful servant in His kingdom. It's so devastating to have actually come to know myself in a deeper level, because Holy Spirit guided me to look into my soul, the deepest place in my heart.

The Spirit of truth, Holy spirit, our only heavenly Father. He is here to let us KNOW ourselves in a deeper level. Have you ever felt that there's just some way that you can't fully understand yourself? Actions that you've taken, words that you've said, it's as though as you didn't intend to do it, but your flesh your mind, they're not under your control. Things that you wished you hadn't done, words you wished that you had never said, people you wished you had never hurt. It's not beyond of your control, and you couldn't find a way to reverse everything and start all over again.

Let me tell you why, for we are all, vulnerable.
For we are all only, human.

and the Spirit of God is here to help us, to assist us, to lift us up again, when we have lost the world, when we have lost ourselves, HE WILL ALWAYS BE THERE.

He will never leave you alone, He will be the best for you, simply because He is your heavenly Father, and He knows who you are.

What a great relief to actually know that there's someone out there who actually fully understands you, and know you as a person despite of any other factors. Not because for what you own, who you are, what's attractive about you, what benefits you bring, but simply because He is the one who created you. :)

And that's something worth celebrating !
that's when I started to have this idea to start on something.
It's called.........

30 days of Appreciation :)

From today onward till the end of November, I'll be posting grateful thoughts everyday which could remind me how beautiful life is, and how much should I appreciate every breath I take, every single day I spent alive with His mercy, and every single new lives He rescues.

Every single day, there's always something worth celebrating for ! There's always a reason for you to put a smile on your face! :) and that's a treasure that you have to seek EVERY SINGLE DAY.

and as for today......

# Day 1 Grateful thoughts
I just want to be grateful that God has granted me a beautiful sister 24 years ago. I know that I'll never be the same without her, I'll never have to be alone, and she is the best companion that I could ever ask for. Thank You Lord. :)

Tuesday 18 October 2011


ALOHA Readers! :)

It's a saturday morning! and it's the opening ceremony of THE ARK ACADEMY !
I wanted to do something for their opening ceremony, just something simple to celebrate their big day.
and after getting good feedback from my bf ( I guess he's my one and only cookie fan, haha.) , I've decided to bake some cookies again to their studio! Hehehe.

Remember the last post about the awesome oatmeal cookies recipe?
Finally I'm gonna work it baby!! :D
and this time I'm baking double portion, which is quite a lot. I baked the cookies one day before their ceremony and I used almost 5 hours to finish everything! IT WAS SO TIRING! Especially the part where you have to place the cookie dough on the tray just by making sure each and every one of it looks in shaped, the perfect round that everyone loves. And it's just not possible to do it in such a short time frame T___T I don't want them to look like dog poo poo again :(( haha!

Anyway I didn't take any photos of the baking process this time, but here is the outcome of it ! :)
I placed them in an abandoned basket found at my home, repackaged it with ribbons and colourful gift papers.

Lookie lookie~~


Advertising for www.mirumiru.my as well. :P

My honey Zicky loves the smell of it! :P

Takes a bite...


My number one cookie fan. hahaha

Forced him to snap photo with me with the cookie.

So happy that the feedbacks were pretty good!
Some of them said the whole packaging was really pretty, cookies smelt good, tasted good, great desserts etc..
And some of their feedbacks were like, "WHAT?! Emily baked this??! It's impossible.."
Sigh, why am I not surprised with their feedbacks at all? hahahahaha. Cos I couldn't even convince myself that I can finally bake too. haha ! I'm just so touched T____T

 Studio fully packed with newbies registering for their music instrument and dance courses..

FOC receptionist. Aherm. :P

My lovely Pui Pui :P

Love it! :D

Start jamming already. Haha.

Our treasure in CYC, David Ooi the PROoooooo ;)

Later on all of us went into the dance room and waiting for some random performances presented by the dancers! So cool! I adore the dance room so so much.


Mr. Katoon, the popping King, Kelvin! Super cool moves.

Another treasure in CYC, Bryant Wong! great guy, great dancer.

I love his Kpop moves. It's like he's potraying a story :)

Mr Katoon again! So cool laaaa. And I feel so bad for skipping his classes every time T___T

After viewing all their performances seriously made me feel like taking up dance classes again. I mean, you can literally see their passion towards dancing through their eyes. I'm proud of all of them. :)

Anyway, I'll be taking up the piano classes offered in THE ARK ACADEMY too! Planning to get it started next month. Hehe. I'm so excited! This has been my dream for years. :)

Anyway if anyone of you are interested in taking up any dance classes, music instrument classes for eg drums, guitar, piano, vocal classes etc, do not hesitate to ask me and also support them in Facebook! :)

Here's their Facebook page
Really cool place. 

I'm a happy woman today! ^____________^

Saturday 15 October 2011

The difference between Encouraging and Pressuring

A gentle reminder to the leaders:-

I knew a woman who was trying to encourage her husband and would always say, "You are going to make a million dollars!" Although she was trying to speak faith into his heart and encourage him, day after day, those words felt like pressure to him. She completely put the burden of success on his shoulders, and he was overwhelmed with the heavy load. What was supposed to be a deposit into his life ended up being a withdrawal.

In my relationship with Joel, I've found that if I'm going to encourage him that we can do something in particular in our lives, I have to be right there with him, shouldering the load and willing to do my part. If we had a financial goal, I did my part to save money. If we were remodeling a house, I was in the yard laying sod. If we were building a home, I was there every day to meet the subcontractors and help keep us on schedule. And when he became pastor of the church, I did my part in the service, too. Joel and I are a team, and the best way to show that I support him is by rolling up my sleeves right along with him.

Scripture says that faith without works is dead. If you are supporting your loved ones with your words, support them with your actions, too. Let them know you are walking along side them to see the goal fulfilled. Don't just pressure them to do it, empower them to do it! When you step out and invest in others with your words and your actions, you are sowing good seed and opening the door for others to do the same for you!

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work(Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIV).

by Victoria Osteen

Thursday 13 October 2011



The other day I decided to bake cookies again after 2174583465839days of not touching the oven 
in my house. Hahaha. Now that I remember I used to bake quite a lot back then. and I couldn't remember any bit of it at all now. :(( huhu. My baking skills are rotting.

Anyway! the mood comes and here are the photos! :)

Oh and, My sis baked this cookie before. She found the recipe online and the outcome is FANTASTIC. And guess what? She steps into the kitchen like twice a year. or make it thrice. hahahaha.  But the cookies were superB delicious! How is that possible? Arghhhh :P
So I've decided to try out to prove that I can work well with the kitchen tooooooo! *smirk* Haha!  

So right here is the ingredients that I used, bought it from a baking store nearby my house.

The supercool multi-task Magimix.

Starting by beating up the butter and sugar

Beat them up until you get the creamy and smooth kind of texture

Add in the eggs, Vanila extract..

Here comes the flour!

Mmhmmmm.. love the texture! even though I thought the mixture was a little too dilute.

I forgot to take some of the photos where I added in the rolled Oats, raisins and choco cookies! Just throw all of them altogether and you'll get yourself a cookie dough. Just place them on a tray with hahaha. I made it sound very simple, and it was really simple! 

Here comes the oven. Preheat oven to around 180degrees and bake them for around 20minutes time. 

You can tell when it's done. The cookies are done when they looked golden brown around the edges but still al little soft in the centers.

 Here I present to you..................


Hehehehehe. I'm so proud of myself! After 23564938569359days of not baking, I was still able to bake!
Not perfect I know but at least they were all edible! Hehehe! :D

I thought they were a little over baked as the cookie's surface was starting to get a little brown-ish rather than golden-ish. It was supposed to be soft inside and and crunchy on the edges but it turned out to be really hard and crunchy.

I given out some of it to my friends, and some of them said the cookies looked like dog poo poo at the first sight -.-
But the flavours were delicious! I'm glad that I've got it covered. hahaha.

However some of them also commented that it was a little too hard which I totally agree since I over baked it. Overall I was still happy with it at least the 3 hours spent in kitchen didn't go wasted! Heh :) I'm so gonna try other new recipes next time! Wait for it, okay? :)

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Drama Shooting

GOOD DAY Everyone !
I had a super tiring day last two days..
It was my first time shooting in a drama and I was strangely calm throughout the whole shooting. People who know me well acknowledge the fact that I get nervous easily. It was nerve-wrecking on the day before but still everything went well without my expectations! I mean I was SO STRANGELY CALM......... SO WEIRD.
But the whole thing went well and I'm sooooo happy for that!! ^_______^

It felt like God was just right beside me throughout the entire shooting.. I mean literally!
The fact that I got the casting was out of my expectations too! They production team actually called me like 2 days before and asked if I could fit my time in. So without second thought I said yes should be okay and that's all. hahaha. slumber saje.

Anywayyyyyy, the drama is called 飞跃阳光. It will be aired in November.. I'm not sure whether it will be on 8tV or Ntv7 but it's a local drama anyway. I was playing the female leading role's best friend, 芳芳. My role wasn't that heavy just around 8 scenes in the entire drama but I'm very satisfied for the opportunity to learn and experience. Now I know how tiring it is to shoot from morning till night and my role wasn't even heavy! @___@ I'm so not used to it.
The female main role was played by 罗忆诗

A really adorable girl and she's full of energy! haha. She's a singer, emcee, actress, etc etc. A really talented lady!

The male leading actor is 辛威廉

I'm sure all of you recognize his face, he's always appearing in local TV dramas! He's very friendly and nice to be around. He even treated everyone 100plus!

My lunch shared with Min er

William's treat! :)

Me and Yi Se! :)

Utar Sg Long campus

Production team

The professionals!

This happens when I get bored...... hahaha

It was really quite an experience and I'm thankful for it! Great production team, great director, great partners, great companion(Min er), everything was just great!
And I couldn't be more grateful for it! Thank You Jesus, I know I wouldn't have gotten this opportunity if it was not You. And I know I wouldn't have had the strength to go through it if it weren't for You :) <3

Just wanna say I love youuuuu! Heavenly Daddy! ^_______^ <3