Tuesday 11 October 2011

Drama Shooting

GOOD DAY Everyone !
I had a super tiring day last two days..
It was my first time shooting in a drama and I was strangely calm throughout the whole shooting. People who know me well acknowledge the fact that I get nervous easily. It was nerve-wrecking on the day before but still everything went well without my expectations! I mean I was SO STRANGELY CALM......... SO WEIRD.
But the whole thing went well and I'm sooooo happy for that!! ^_______^

It felt like God was just right beside me throughout the entire shooting.. I mean literally!
The fact that I got the casting was out of my expectations too! They production team actually called me like 2 days before and asked if I could fit my time in. So without second thought I said yes should be okay and that's all. hahaha. slumber saje.

Anywayyyyyy, the drama is called 飞跃阳光. It will be aired in November.. I'm not sure whether it will be on 8tV or Ntv7 but it's a local drama anyway. I was playing the female leading role's best friend, 芳芳. My role wasn't that heavy just around 8 scenes in the entire drama but I'm very satisfied for the opportunity to learn and experience. Now I know how tiring it is to shoot from morning till night and my role wasn't even heavy! @___@ I'm so not used to it.
The female main role was played by 罗忆诗

A really adorable girl and she's full of energy! haha. She's a singer, emcee, actress, etc etc. A really talented lady!

The male leading actor is 辛威廉

I'm sure all of you recognize his face, he's always appearing in local TV dramas! He's very friendly and nice to be around. He even treated everyone 100plus!

My lunch shared with Min er

William's treat! :)

Me and Yi Se! :)

Utar Sg Long campus

Production team

The professionals!

This happens when I get bored...... hahaha

It was really quite an experience and I'm thankful for it! Great production team, great director, great partners, great companion(Min er), everything was just great!
And I couldn't be more grateful for it! Thank You Jesus, I know I wouldn't have gotten this opportunity if it was not You. And I know I wouldn't have had the strength to go through it if it weren't for You :) <3

Just wanna say I love youuuuu! Heavenly Daddy! ^_______^ <3

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