Saturday 15 October 2011

The difference between Encouraging and Pressuring

A gentle reminder to the leaders:-

I knew a woman who was trying to encourage her husband and would always say, "You are going to make a million dollars!" Although she was trying to speak faith into his heart and encourage him, day after day, those words felt like pressure to him. She completely put the burden of success on his shoulders, and he was overwhelmed with the heavy load. What was supposed to be a deposit into his life ended up being a withdrawal.

In my relationship with Joel, I've found that if I'm going to encourage him that we can do something in particular in our lives, I have to be right there with him, shouldering the load and willing to do my part. If we had a financial goal, I did my part to save money. If we were remodeling a house, I was in the yard laying sod. If we were building a home, I was there every day to meet the subcontractors and help keep us on schedule. And when he became pastor of the church, I did my part in the service, too. Joel and I are a team, and the best way to show that I support him is by rolling up my sleeves right along with him.

Scripture says that faith without works is dead. If you are supporting your loved ones with your words, support them with your actions, too. Let them know you are walking along side them to see the goal fulfilled. Don't just pressure them to do it, empower them to do it! When you step out and invest in others with your words and your actions, you are sowing good seed and opening the door for others to do the same for you!

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work(Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIV).

by Victoria Osteen

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