Thursday 13 October 2011



The other day I decided to bake cookies again after 2174583465839days of not touching the oven 
in my house. Hahaha. Now that I remember I used to bake quite a lot back then. and I couldn't remember any bit of it at all now. :(( huhu. My baking skills are rotting.

Anyway! the mood comes and here are the photos! :)

Oh and, My sis baked this cookie before. She found the recipe online and the outcome is FANTASTIC. And guess what? She steps into the kitchen like twice a year. or make it thrice. hahahaha.  But the cookies were superB delicious! How is that possible? Arghhhh :P
So I've decided to try out to prove that I can work well with the kitchen tooooooo! *smirk* Haha!  

So right here is the ingredients that I used, bought it from a baking store nearby my house.

The supercool multi-task Magimix.

Starting by beating up the butter and sugar

Beat them up until you get the creamy and smooth kind of texture

Add in the eggs, Vanila extract..

Here comes the flour!

Mmhmmmm.. love the texture! even though I thought the mixture was a little too dilute.

I forgot to take some of the photos where I added in the rolled Oats, raisins and choco cookies! Just throw all of them altogether and you'll get yourself a cookie dough. Just place them on a tray with hahaha. I made it sound very simple, and it was really simple! 

Here comes the oven. Preheat oven to around 180degrees and bake them for around 20minutes time. 

You can tell when it's done. The cookies are done when they looked golden brown around the edges but still al little soft in the centers.

 Here I present to you..................


Hehehehehe. I'm so proud of myself! After 23564938569359days of not baking, I was still able to bake!
Not perfect I know but at least they were all edible! Hehehe! :D

I thought they were a little over baked as the cookie's surface was starting to get a little brown-ish rather than golden-ish. It was supposed to be soft inside and and crunchy on the edges but it turned out to be really hard and crunchy.

I given out some of it to my friends, and some of them said the cookies looked like dog poo poo at the first sight -.-
But the flavours were delicious! I'm glad that I've got it covered. hahaha.

However some of them also commented that it was a little too hard which I totally agree since I over baked it. Overall I was still happy with it at least the 3 hours spent in kitchen didn't go wasted! Heh :) I'm so gonna try other new recipes next time! Wait for it, okay? :)

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