Tuesday 29 November 2011

*continued from last post*

Remember the last post where I was trying to bake Chocolate Souffle for my sister's birthday?

We decided to bring sis for a birthday dinner after that! and she actually requested KELATANESE FOOD! :)
I mean usually we would request fine dining, perhaps steak, or japanese buffet for birthday dinners,
But this is really different! and it's really mouth-watering too!

Kelantan Delights at Central. Yes, central. What an odd location lol.

papa mama :)

hahahahaah I dont know why this photo turned out to be like that it's like she was showing me middle finger. haahha. What you see is NOT what you get okay? ;)

playing with her fingernails..?

" I WANT MY FOOD!" *pouts*

Finally it's here.. Nasi Kerabu!!! it also means "salad rice"
comes with ayam percik! :) the flavours is really amazing.

Weijing's Nasi kerabu with lembu rendang

can't wait to taste it.

yes you're supposed to mix everything up like eating a salad! :D

Ming's Nasi Dagang. Nasi Dagang is white rice mixed with glutinous rice cooked with Coconut milk! quite special too.

After having a wonderful dinner we're back to our home for the cake celebration.

I went all the way to PJ Food Foundry to buy this cake for her!

It's Crepe Cake. Chocolate and Vanilla flavours.


" I wish that all my wishes will be given to my best mui mui..."

A slice for everyoneeeee.

there's nothing to cut actually just posing hahahaha.

Weijing with Sis.

sis with her partner in crime ;)


The KONGS :)

sweet sweet <3

see the layers??! It's super time consuming to bake Crepe okay.

I'm going to challenge myself next time, Muahahaha.

Me and my partner in Crime. hahahaha


Friday 25 November 2011

Chocolate Souffle :)


Last few weeks I decided to bake again! I was literally on fire for baking after watching Masterchef for a whole week. Haha! I've watched Masterchef US as well as Masterchef Aus Junior. and seriously they are all so talented!! ESPECIALLY those Juniors. Can you believe in their ages are like 9~12 years old and they actually cook amazing food.

I was sooooooo inspired and decided if they can bake why can't I? I'm like 10 years older than them. hahaha :P I decided to try a recipe by the youngest girl in Masterchef Aus Junior -----


Da YUMS! :D:D:D I decided to bake it for my sis's 24th Birthday.. and trust me, I didn't know this dessert was supposed to be a difficult one.
Here comes the photos~!

Ingredients needed. Chocolate ALERT!!! :):)

Chocolate bars, Butter, Egg Whites, Egg Yolks, Caster Sugar, Thick Cream etc..

I'm lazy to rotate it back. hahaa. the glass is actually filled with caster sugar so it won't stick.

Mixed the butter, sugar and eggwhites, then with the melted Chocolate!

nyam nyam nyam~~~ <3

This is for the Chocolate Cream. Mixing melted Chocolate again with thick cream.

Nice and stickyyyyy. YUMS!!!

Anxiously waiting for the outcome

I baked two trays of it.. one for me, one for dad, one for mom, one for sis :P

and the first tray turned out to be................................


The next tray....?


Hahhaha honestly I didn't know what was it supposed to look like. I thought I did it right on the first tray.. didn't know it was supposed to have this perfect round crisp on top until I baked for the 2nd time. I think it was because how I mixed the eggwhites. It is a very technical thing. I told you it was difficult! >__< and my sister told me that even some the chefs are afraid to make this dish cos it's hard to beat up the eggwhites in the perfect texture. waaa. super proud can ! ahahaha.

My pretty outcome. with two imperfect souffles.

btw I did something else too.. but apparently I failed BIG TIME. hahah.

I know you must be wondering what is this awful thing.... it's melted chocolate with rice cornflakes and Vanilla Icecream.. Don't bother asking me how to bake it it was a total mess lol

Waiting for sis to come home... :D

Wait for more in the next post ! :)

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Penang Food Trip with the Fam

Aloha guys! This was supposed to be posted like a month ago, but I didn't have time until now :( Gosh.

Anyway, me and the family decided to go for a food trip in Penang! It was so much fun just spending time with the family. And trust me, the whole journey was all about EATING.. and sleeping too! hahha. I think I gained some weight back then... whoopsie. :P

Now let the photos do the talking !! :D

Morning sunshine!!


Yummylicious!! It's really different from the one u have in KL.. they have cuttle fish in it, and no coconut milk!

nomz nomz. Yumz Yumz. even the syrup banding here is so yummy!!


Honestly, I dont think the asam laksa here is as delicious as the ones u find in KL. Even the auntie at the night market nearby my house can cook better than this! Their stalls were really unhygienic as well. I heard from my sis's bf that there were rumours saying that they used toilet papers in their soup (???) for what seriously I don't know -___-
Also there were rumours that they had mice in their soup. (AHA!) I won't return for the second time! >.<


THIS IS A MUST MUST TRY! It's so famous in penang! The stall is located in one of the streets, smtg like a lorong which is not so noticeable but yet you see such a huge crowd  nearby the cendol stall! Long queue and everyone just purchased, stand there and finished up and leave. no chairs/tables. and a lot famous celebrities visited their stall before like phua chu kang, ah xian, etc etc. How cool is that.

And their cendol tastes really different. It's more to salty rather than sweet. I know it sounds really weird but it's SUPER DUPER YUMMY!!!!! >_____< We even went back to there the nxt day for a second bowl. Super affordable and mouth watering! <3

After having meals we went to our hotel to check in!

Ah mingzzzzzz.

Sis whatsapped me her greentea icecream while I was pigging in the hotel. hmph !

Ah Ming's grandparents' house's compound. SO HUGE O.O

After resting for few hours, we continued food hunting again! :)


It's called HAMEEDIYAH. and oh my goodness their mutton is to die for !!

Chicken and Mutton Murtabak. Their mutton tastes great!!


Nasi Kunyit!
Everything there is really so delicious. They have a lot of varieties there too. Trust me, if you have a thing for india food, YOU HAVE TO VISIT THEM.
It's HAMEEDIYAH, now quick jot it down already! :D

After dinner we went to a new mall in Penang, I forgot the name already hehehe. We went into this restaurant/pub to chill.
It was raining outside, so I wanted to order something sweet and warm.

And guess what I found on the menu, there's this dessert called Chocolate Soup. and I was really curious how was it going to taste like. Must be something like a Choc fondue or smtg.. I asked the waiter what was it about and apparently the waiter couldn't answer me @.@ I guess that dish is really unpopular...?

And it turns out to be REALLY UNPOPULAR...

It's a bowl of melted chocolate, with Vanilla Oreo ice cream on top with a biscuit. Oh My Goodness. The soup is not HOT, and not COLD either. This is one of the gross-est dessert I ever had.
I know I know It's CHOCOLATE! How can I not love it? But it's really awful T____T the taste is just so weird!

I tried finishing it but just had a few scoops of it and some icecream. >.< Very paiseh when the waiter came and asked me whether I still want it or not and I shaked my head *gulp*
 The rest of them ordered some German Beer which turned out to be quite good.

Next Morning we woke up early again!


I forgot what is it called already. It's a little sweet and made of flour.. we ordered it while waiting for our prawn mee. 

SO MOUTH WATERING. Their prawn mee is absolutely delicious! I almost finished up the whole bowl of soup knowing that I can't eat spicy food! so irresistible! Plus their stall is only open from 6am-9am in the morning so we had to wake super early to just have a taste of it. but it's definitely worth it. the prawn mee is in my top 3 fav Penang food list already! :D


This is yums yums too! as you can see from the photo they use super humongous fresh prawn for the ingredient. It's really juicy and chewy too. The whole dish was unforgettable.
However, the price is even more unforgettable. Haha! Can you imagine with this small portion it actually costed RM7.50 per plate?! So expensive! It's a tourist hot spot though so I guess that's the reason why they weren't afraid to set such a high price. Plus it was FULL HOUSE when we went in. These hawkers must be darn rich. haha.


We ordered two kinds of rojak, and both were a dissappointment. :( I thought Rojak was found in Penang?! The Rojak stall outside of my church tastes so much better than both of them. :(((


Yes I know it's Mamak!!!

This Chicken Tandoori is to die for!!!!! The chicken was so amazingly marinated, and so full of flavours! It has really strong flavours, and perfectly grilled. I must say that the winner of the dish is not only the chicken, but the SAUCE! look at the green-ish sauce on the right hand side of the plate, THE SAUCE IS TO DIE FOR >_____<
I'm not sure what it is made of, but it tasted sour-ish, sweet, a little tobacco sauce in it perhaps? I'm not too sure but the taste is still so alive in my memory lane. Just by thinking of it makes my stomach growling again. I would DEFINITELY return to there again !
It's such a shame that when I had this it was the last day of our trip already or I else I would return there to have it every day T_____T

I think we all finished everything up in less than 10minutes. This was the most silent meal we ever had together. Cos everyone was so focusing in stuffing the whole dish into our mouth :P it was just too delicious!

I wish I could move everything I had here to KL.. It was a great food trip indeed.

Bye Bye Penang! :(