Tuesday 29 November 2011

*continued from last post*

Remember the last post where I was trying to bake Chocolate Souffle for my sister's birthday?

We decided to bring sis for a birthday dinner after that! and she actually requested KELATANESE FOOD! :)
I mean usually we would request fine dining, perhaps steak, or japanese buffet for birthday dinners,
But this is really different! and it's really mouth-watering too!

Kelantan Delights at Central. Yes, central. What an odd location lol.

papa mama :)

hahahahaah I dont know why this photo turned out to be like that it's like she was showing me middle finger. haahha. What you see is NOT what you get okay? ;)

playing with her fingernails..?

" I WANT MY FOOD!" *pouts*

Finally it's here.. Nasi Kerabu!!! it also means "salad rice"
comes with ayam percik! :) the flavours is really amazing.

Weijing's Nasi kerabu with lembu rendang

can't wait to taste it.

yes you're supposed to mix everything up like eating a salad! :D

Ming's Nasi Dagang. Nasi Dagang is white rice mixed with glutinous rice cooked with Coconut milk! quite special too.

After having a wonderful dinner we're back to our home for the cake celebration.

I went all the way to PJ Food Foundry to buy this cake for her!

It's Crepe Cake. Chocolate and Vanilla flavours.


" I wish that all my wishes will be given to my best mui mui..."

A slice for everyoneeeee.

there's nothing to cut actually just posing hahahaha.

Weijing with Sis.

sis with her partner in crime ;)


The KONGS :)

sweet sweet <3

see the layers??! It's super time consuming to bake Crepe okay.

I'm going to challenge myself next time, Muahahaha.

Me and my partner in Crime. hahahaha


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