Friday 4 November 2011

ACCA Graduation Part 1

After few years of torment... I finally have got rid of Sunway Uni! got rid of all my lectures! got rid of  ACCA!

I, Emily Kong, am finally an ACCA affiliate now ! weeeeeee. so so happy!

Warning : This post will be flooded with photos. 

Anyway, the graduation ceremony took place in Sunway Convention Hall. Early in the morning had to reach there already.. So tiring. 
My family didn't come to attend the ceremony but they came after that. cos it was sooooo expensive!!! They actually charged MYR100 PER VISITOR. So costly can die. So I insisted that they shouldn't come. Somemore I assumed that it would be really boring with all the speech and stuff...

Turned out I made the right decision. I bet dad will fall asleep if he came early. Haha!
And There's nothing much you can do in the hall other than taking photos. That's the best entertainment we can find. HEHEEEEE.

Bin, Zen, Bee, Me.

Getting ready to take photos!

Yes I know I can't see myself too. ahah!

Walking towards sis happily ^.^

After the ceremony I was rushing out to meet my family already. The whole ceremony delayed like almost 1 hour, I bet those ppl who were waiting outside were already like..

from this
to this
to this
to this
to this

So I rushed out and I received...............


SO GAN DONGS I WANNA CRY. T____T I was super emotional already seeing all my family and friends with flowers and gifts..

hehehe <3

papa mama! <3

Pretty mom! She looks like Japanese doesn't she? :)

Isaac ho wai tian with look-alike gorilla. Muahhaha :P

My dearest family, I have a dozen of bro n sis. hahaah.

My pretty babikiwi Sis!

LOVE THIS PHOTO!! So  pretty mummy.

HEHEHE. Thanks dearest for the flowers + Bear ^.^ <3

Thanks for coming, my dear brooooo Isaac Ho! I know you were in a rush, sorry for delaying your time :( Appreciate your effort to come! :) <3

My sweetest Jun Jun!! <3 Thanks for coming even though you were soooo busy with ur fashion show. I'm really touched! 

Daddy COOL. Still looking COOL holding the toy :P

My "SISTER". <3

Darling Nana~~~ <3 looking adorable as always!

Sweetie SanSan~~ <3 Thanks for coming my dear.. I know you and Nana skipped your dance class for me. super gan dong!!! <3 I will do so next time too! :)

Kelvin! My naughty didi. Lied to me and said he wasn't coming. hmph. Appreciate the fact that you came though! ^.^

My best didi, Ting Feng. Really didn't expect to see you there. Thanks for coming T____T

Jus Jus!! I miss our conversations last time whenever I had to fetch you home. hehe :)

Pretty mommy wants another photo with me. hahaha

THE KONGS. :) <3

Kok Tim Tim!!! I know you searched for parking for almost an hour's time.. gam dongs T___T

Cutie! not you, but the toy. hahaha.

Thanks for coming everyone! It meant so so much to me.. and the toy as well. hahaha. I promise you I will keep it and store it properly :)

Thanks my dear Luo Ping too. Her first time ever attending friend's convo. ngek ngek. I am honoured. :)

Ho Joon Ming! :)

I miss these girls so so much.. They are the reason I could survive in ACCA ^.^

Amanda, Mocha, Emily, Stacy :P

Pretty beeeee

Bin Bin!!! My one and only and the best companion in my last sem in ACCA. ;)

Suh Leng~ :)


My silly girl... Wei C :) <3 she was late and didn't go to the convention hall, but we actually met each other in Sunway Pyramid. What a coincidence! She handed me the flowers right after that... Awww.... <3

I am just so grateful to have all of them together with me on one of my greatest moment in life..
I am no doubt the luckiest girl on earth,
and I AM SO BLESSED to have all these my life :)

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