Friday 25 November 2011

Chocolate Souffle :)


Last few weeks I decided to bake again! I was literally on fire for baking after watching Masterchef for a whole week. Haha! I've watched Masterchef US as well as Masterchef Aus Junior. and seriously they are all so talented!! ESPECIALLY those Juniors. Can you believe in their ages are like 9~12 years old and they actually cook amazing food.

I was sooooooo inspired and decided if they can bake why can't I? I'm like 10 years older than them. hahaha :P I decided to try a recipe by the youngest girl in Masterchef Aus Junior -----


Da YUMS! :D:D:D I decided to bake it for my sis's 24th Birthday.. and trust me, I didn't know this dessert was supposed to be a difficult one.
Here comes the photos~!

Ingredients needed. Chocolate ALERT!!! :):)

Chocolate bars, Butter, Egg Whites, Egg Yolks, Caster Sugar, Thick Cream etc..

I'm lazy to rotate it back. hahaa. the glass is actually filled with caster sugar so it won't stick.

Mixed the butter, sugar and eggwhites, then with the melted Chocolate!

nyam nyam nyam~~~ <3

This is for the Chocolate Cream. Mixing melted Chocolate again with thick cream.

Nice and stickyyyyy. YUMS!!!

Anxiously waiting for the outcome

I baked two trays of it.. one for me, one for dad, one for mom, one for sis :P

and the first tray turned out to be................................


The next tray....?


Hahhaha honestly I didn't know what was it supposed to look like. I thought I did it right on the first tray.. didn't know it was supposed to have this perfect round crisp on top until I baked for the 2nd time. I think it was because how I mixed the eggwhites. It is a very technical thing. I told you it was difficult! >__< and my sister told me that even some the chefs are afraid to make this dish cos it's hard to beat up the eggwhites in the perfect texture. waaa. super proud can ! ahahaha.

My pretty outcome. with two imperfect souffles.

btw I did something else too.. but apparently I failed BIG TIME. hahah.

I know you must be wondering what is this awful thing.... it's melted chocolate with rice cornflakes and Vanilla Icecream.. Don't bother asking me how to bake it it was a total mess lol

Waiting for sis to come home... :D

Wait for more in the next post ! :)

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